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Fundi – The African Dictionary and Encyclopaedia of Social Work and Development

Fundi – The African Dictionary and Encyclopaedia of Social Work and Development
Current version: Version 2.0
Funda is a Swahili or Shona word that means to teach or to learn. It comes from the words kufunda (to learn), kufundiswa (to be taught), kufundiswa (to be taught) or fundisha (learn). The name of the dictionary, Fundi, was derived from these words. Also see Uwongo, a list of words that communicate falsehoods or misconceptions about African social work or Africa people and Africa in general. Uwongo means false, untrue, biased or demeaning of African values and ways of life.
Version 2.0 has 369 definitions.
Instructions: To view a term, go to the alphabet, look for the term, hover over it or click. To view a list of all the terms, visit this page.
Cite as: Africa Social Work and Development Network (ASWDNet), (2021). Fundi: The African Dictionary and Encyclopaedia of Social Work and Development. Harare, ASWDNet.
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