Fundi – The African Dictionary and Encyclopaedia of Social Work and Development
Fundi Version 2.0

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Also see Uwongo, a list of words that communicate falsehoods or misconceptions about African social work or Africa people and Africa in general. Uwongo means false, untrue, biased or demeaning of African values and ways of life. Unless otherwise indicated, cite information from this dictionary as follows:
Africa Social Work and Development Network (ASWDNet), (2021). Fundi: The African Dictionary and Encyclopaedia of Social Work and Development. Harare, ASWDNet.
Instructions: To view a term, go to the alphabet, look for the term, hover over it or click.
- Acculturation
- Action Research
- Adinkrahene
- Adinkrahene
- Africa
- Africa attire
- Africa-centred
- African
- African-centred or Afrocentric research
- 'African descent'
- African diaspora
- African Dream
- Africanism
- African renaissance
- African research methodology (ARM)
- African social work
- Afrikology
- Afriture
- Ageing
- Aid
- Akoma
- Ananse ntontan
- Ananse ntontan
- Art
- Asante
- Asase Ye Duru
- Assimilation
- Ayampatapo
- Ayika
- Ba
- Babekazi
- Baliano
- Bantu
- Bato
- Bese Saka
- Biako ye
- Black people
- Boa me na me mmoa wo
- Bomoto
- Bulamu
- Case management
- Casework
- Casework Child/children
- Chama
- Child
- Child labour
- Clients:
- Collaborative approach
- Collective
- Collective research approach
- Collectivism
- Colonial
- Colonising current
- Communal
- Community
- Community analysis
- Community-based
- Community-centred approach
- Community-determination
- Community development
- Community development organisation (CDO)
- Community-led
- Community projects
- Community social work
- Community work
- Communiversity
- Content analysis
- Continental social work
- Country
- Creative approaches
- Critical thinking
- Critical thinking
- Cultural safety approach (CSA)
- Culturation
- Culture
- Dakaro
- Dambiro
- Dandaro
- Dare
- Dariro
- Dashuro
- Data analysis
- Decolonial
- Decolonial Approach (DA)
- Decoloniality
- Decolonisation
- Decolonised Interviewing
- Decolonised Literature Approach (DLA)
- Decolonising
- Decolonising current
- Decolonising Literature Review (DLR)
- Deculturation
- Denkyem
- Developed community
- Development
- Developmental:
- Developmental approach
- Developmental research (DR)
- Developmental social services
- Developmental social work
- Dialogue Approach
- Disability
- Disorders of sex development (DSD)
- Duafe
- Ecological social work
- Electronic or computer-aided analysis
- Empowering
- Empowerment
- Empowerment or capability research approach
- Entrepreneur
- Environment
- Environmental
- Environmental approach
- Environmental approach
- Environmental social work
- Ethic
- Ethical
- Ethical research
- Experiential method
- Experimental approaches
- False conservation
- Family
- Family analysis
- Family-determination
- Family-determination
- Family father
- Family mother
- Fawohodie
- Fieldwork
- Fihankra
- Framework
- Framework analysis
- Framework gender
- Fufu
- Fundi
- Funtunfunafu
- Gender
- Gerontology
- Gimuntu
- Girmamawa
- Global North
- Global social work
- Global South
- Griot approach
- Griot approach
- Group analysis
- Group social work
- Growth-oriented project
- Gye Nyame
- Hadza
- Homehold
- Household, Family or Community Oriented Research (HOFACOR)
- Human drainage
- Hunhu, unhu, botho or ubuntu
- Hwemudua
- Ibrahim Index of African Governance (IIAG)
- Imbeleko model
- Impairment
- Imperialism
- Imvelo
- Income
- Indaba
- Indigenisation
- Indigenised
- Indigenising
- Indigenous
- Indigenous research methodology (IRM)
- Individualism
- Individualistic
- Individual social work
- Insider research method
- In-situ primary analysis
- Institutionalisation
- Institutionalisation
- Integral musha
- Intergenerational
- International
- International social work
- Itorero
- Justice
- Kagisano (Swahili)
- Karma
- Kebele
- Khoi
- Kijitoa
- Kiondo concept
- Kujitoa
- Kurutsa
- Kush
- Kushava
- Kushusha
- Kuumba (mentoring)
- Kuumba Method
- Kuumbana
- Kuumba: (Swahili; Shona, Zimbabwe)
- Land
- Land reform
- Livelihoods
- Local Ethics Approach (LEA)
- Local language approach (LLA)
- Longitudinal analysis
- Lungu
- Maaya
- Made in Africa Evaluation (MAE) approach
- Madiba syndrome
- Manual analysis
- Marriage
- Masarwa
- Mate Masie
- Medemer
- Methods for research utilisation
- Methods of data discussion
- Mitumba
- Mixed approaches
- Mixed Methods
- Mtoto
- Mukando
- Multiculturation
- Munyai
- Munyai approach
- Musha
- Muthu
- Mutoro
- Mutunchi, iwa or agwa
- Muzungu
- Mzee
- Mzima/phelele
- Na banye
- Narrative approach
- National social work
- Nguni languages
- Nhaka
- Nhakanomy
- Nile-Sahara people
- Non-Communicable Conditions
- Non-verbal consent (NVC)
- Notes
- Nyame Dua
- Nyika
- Obuntu
- Older persons
- Omundu
- Orature
- Orature Approach (OA)
- Orature review
- Owia Kokroko
- Participant analysis
- Participation
- Participatory Action Research (PAR)
- 'People of colour'
- 'Person of Colour'
- Philosophy
- Policy
- Postcolonial
- Poverty
- Practice-based
- Prayer method
- Primary analysis
- Process analysis
- Proverbs
- Pula
- Race
- Racism
- Re-analysis
- Recolonising current
- Reflection
- Refugee
- Refugee journey
- Regional social work
- Relational-collective-timed approach (RTCA) of data analysis
- Relational research approach or paradigm
- Religion
- Researcher analysis
- Research process
- Reserve land (reserves)
- Responsibility
- Responsible research approach (RRA)
- Reviere’s African-centred procedure of achieving ‘validity’ or ‘reliability’
- Rifa
- Rights
- Roora
- Rural
- Sandawe
- Sankofa
- Sankofa methodology
- Scared places and spaces approach
- Secondary analysis
- Self-praise or self-poetry or praise poetry
- Seva
- Shosholoza
- Shosholoza
- Side-by-side analysis approach
- Side-by-side approach or collaborative research
- Simunye
- Social capital
- Social development
- Social enterprise
- Social exclusion
- Social Media Reactions (Sentiments) Approach
- Social work
- Social work interventions
- Social work practice
- Socio-economic
- Socio-economic development
- Spiritual
- Spiritual analysis
- Stokvel
- Stories Approach
- Stories research approach (
- Story method of analysis
- Tarajio Hasara (Disadvantage Expectations Theory)
- Task method
- Thematic analysis
- Theory
- Theory-building approach
- The San Method
- The San Method
- The total agreement technique (TTAT)
- Toto
- Tree of Life Approach
- Trimurti
- uAfrica or huAfrica
- Ubudehe
- Ubudehe
- Ubumwe
- Ubuntu
- Ubuntu-informed
- Ubuntu justice
- Ubuntu or botho
- Ubuntu research approach (URA)
- Ubuntu social work
- Ubunyarwanda
- Ubutwari
- Ugali (fufu)
- Uhaki
- Uhuru
- Ujamaa
- Ujamaa
- Ujamii
- Ujima - (Swahili)
- Ukama
- Ukuru
- Ukweli
- Umachobane
- Umhuri
- Umoja
- Umuco/isiko
- Umuganda
- Umuganda
- Umunthu or ubuntu
- Unethical
- Unyanzvi
- Urban
- Urithi
- Uroho
- Ururami: (Shona, Zimbabwe), Ubulungiswa(Nguni), Ubutabera (Kinyarwanda, Rwanda)
- Usawa
- Usawa
- Ushavi
- Utlulivu
- Utu, munto or mondo
- Utungamiri (Shona)
- Utu, obuntu or bumuntu
- Uwongo
- Value
- Value
- Vazungu
- Vazungu
- Vene
- Village
- Village social work
- Visual Methods
- Vumuntu
- Walks method
- Watoto
- Wazawa
- Welfare
- Western
- Whiteness
- Woreda
- Work party research
- Zunde
- Zunde raMambo
- Zunde raMambo
- Zungu
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