- Acculturation
- Action Research
- Adinkrahene
- Adinkrahene
- Africa
- Africa attire
- Africa-centred
- African
- African-centred or Afrocentric research
- 'African descent'
- African diaspora
- African Dream
- Africanism
- African renaissance
- African research methodology (ARM)
- African social work
- Afrikology
- Afriture
- Ageing
- Aid
- Akoma
- Ananse ntontan
- Ananse ntontan
- Art
- Asante
- Asase Ye Duru
- Assimilation
- Ayampatapo
- Ayika
- Ba
- Babekazi
- Baliano
- Bantu
- Bato
- Bese Saka
- Biako ye
- Black people
- Boa me na me mmoa wo
- Bomoto
- Bulamu
- Case management
- Casework
- Casework Child/children
- Chama
- Child
- Child labour
- Clients:
- Collaborative approach
- Collective
- Collective research approach
- Collectivism
- Colonial
- Colonising current
- Communal
- Community
- Community analysis
- Community-based
- Community-centred approach
- Community-determination
- Community development
- Community development organisation (CDO)
- Community-led
- Community projects
- Community social work
- Community work
- Communiversity
- Content analysis
- Continental social work
- Country
- Creative approaches
- Critical thinking
- Critical thinking
- Cultural safety approach (CSA)
- Culturation
- Culture
- Dakaro
- Dambiro
- Dandaro
- Dare
- Dariro
- Dashuro
- Data analysis
- Decolonial
- Decolonial Approach (DA)
- Decoloniality
- Decolonisation
- Decolonised Interviewing
- Decolonised Literature Approach (DLA)
- Decolonising
- Decolonising current
- Decolonising Literature Review (DLR)
- Deculturation
- Denkyem
- Developed community
- Development
- Developmental:
- Developmental approach
- Developmental research (DR)
- Developmental social services
- Developmental social work
- Dialogue Approach
- Disability
- Disorders of sex development (DSD)
- Duafe
- Ecological social work
- Electronic or computer-aided analysis
- Empowering
- Empowerment
- Empowerment or capability research approach
- Entrepreneur
- Environment
- Environmental
- Environmental approach
- Environmental approach
- Environmental social work
- Ethic
- Ethical
- Ethical research
- Experiential method
- Experimental approaches
- False conservation
- Family
- Family analysis
- Family-determination
- Family-determination
- Family father
- Family mother
- Fawohodie
- Fieldwork
- Fihankra
- Framework
- Framework analysis
- Framework gender
- Fufu
- Fundi
- Funtunfunafu
- Gender
- Gerontology
- Gimuntu
- Girmamawa
- Global North
- Global social work
- Global South
- Griot approach
- Griot approach
- Group analysis
- Group social work
- Growth-oriented project
- Gye Nyame
- Hadza
- Homehold
- Household, Family or Community Oriented Research (HOFACOR)
- Human drainage
- Hunhu, unhu, botho or ubuntu
- Hwemudua
- Ibrahim Index of African Governance (IIAG)
- Imbeleko model
- Impairment
- Imperialism
- Imvelo
- Income
- Indaba
- Indigenisation
- Indigenised
- Indigenising
- Indigenous
- Indigenous research methodology (IRM)
- Individualism
- Individualistic
- Individual social work
- Insider research method
- In-situ primary analysis
- Institutionalisation
- Institutionalisation
- Integral musha
- Intergenerational
- International
- International social work
- Itorero
- Justice
- Kagisano (Swahili)
- Karma
- Kebele
- Khoi
- Kijitoa
- Kiondo concept
- Kujitoa
- Kurutsa
- Kush
- Kushava
- Kushusha
- Kuumba (mentoring)
- Kuumba Method
- Kuumbana
- Kuumba: (Swahili; Shona, Zimbabwe)
- Land
- Land reform
- Livelihoods
- Local Ethics Approach (LEA)
- Local language approach (LLA)
- Longitudinal analysis
- Lungu
- Maaya
- Made in Africa Evaluation (MAE) approach
- Madiba syndrome
- Manual analysis
- Marriage
- Masarwa
- Mate Masie
- Medemer
- Methods for research utilisation
- Methods of data discussion
- Mitumba
- Mixed approaches
- Mixed Methods
- Mtoto
- Mukando
- Multiculturation
- Munyai
- Munyai approach
- Musha
- Muthu
- Mutoro
- Mutunchi, iwa or agwa
- Muzungu
- Mzee
- Mzima/phelele
- Na banye
- Narrative approach
- National social work
- Nguni languages
- Nhaka
- Nhakanomy
- Nile-Sahara people
- Non-Communicable Conditions
- Non-verbal consent (NVC)
- Notes
- Nyame Dua
- Nyika
- Obuntu
- Older persons
- Omundu
- Orature
- Orature Approach (OA)
- Orature review
- Owia Kokroko
- Participant analysis
- Participation
- Participatory Action Research (PAR)
- 'People of colour'
- 'Person of Colour'
- Philosophy
- Policy
- Postcolonial
- Poverty
- Practice-based
- Prayer method
- Primary analysis
- Process analysis
- Proverbs
- Pula
- Race
- Racism
- Re-analysis
- Recolonising current
- Reflection
- Refugee
- Refugee journey
- Regional social work
- Relational-collective-timed approach (RTCA) of data analysis
- Relational research approach or paradigm
- Religion
- Researcher analysis
- Research process
- Reserve land (reserves)
- Responsibility
- Responsible research approach (RRA)
- Reviere’s African-centred procedure of achieving ‘validity’ or ‘reliability’
- Rifa
- Rights
- Roora
- Rural
- Sandawe
- Sankofa
- Sankofa methodology
- Scared places and spaces approach
- Secondary analysis
- Self-praise or self-poetry or praise poetry
- Seva
- Shosholoza
- Shosholoza
- Side-by-side analysis approach
- Side-by-side approach or collaborative research
- Simunye
- Social capital
- Social development
- Social enterprise
- Social exclusion
- Social Media Reactions (Sentiments) Approach
- Social work
- Social work interventions
- Social work practice
- Socio-economic
- Socio-economic development
- Spiritual
- Spiritual analysis
- Stokvel
- Stories Approach
- Stories research approach (
- Story method of analysis
- Tarajio Hasara (Disadvantage Expectations Theory)
- Task method
- Thematic analysis
- Theory
- Theory-building approach
- The San Method
- The San Method
- The total agreement technique (TTAT)
- Toto
- Tree of Life Approach
- Trimurti
- uAfrica or huAfrica
- Ubudehe
- Ubudehe
- Ubumwe
- Ubuntu
- Ubuntu-informed
- Ubuntu justice
- Ubuntu or botho
- Ubuntu research approach (URA)
- Ubuntu social work
- Ubunyarwanda
- Ubutwari
- Ugali (fufu)
- Uhaki
- Uhuru
- Ujamaa
- Ujamaa
- Ujamii
- Ujima - (Swahili)
- Ukama
- Ukuru
- Ukweli
- Umachobane
- Umhuri
- Umoja
- Umuco/isiko
- Umuganda
- Umuganda
- Umunthu or ubuntu
- Unethical
- Unyanzvi
- Urban
- Urithi
- Uroho
- Ururami: (Shona, Zimbabwe), Ubulungiswa(Nguni), Ubutabera (Kinyarwanda, Rwanda)
- Usawa
- Usawa
- Ushavi
- Utlulivu
- Utu, munto or mondo
- Utungamiri (Shona)
- Utu, obuntu or bumuntu
- Uwongo
- Value
- Value
- Vazungu
- Vazungu
- Vene
- Village
- Village social work
- Visual Methods
- Vumuntu
- Walks method
- Watoto
- Wazawa
- Welfare
- Western
- Whiteness
- Woreda
- Work party research
- Zunde
- Zunde raMambo
- Zunde raMambo
- Zungu