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Cite as: Nabudere, D. W. (2005). Ubuntu philosophy: memory and reconciliation. Document. Kigali, Centre for Basic Research.

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Cite as: Nabudere, D. W. (2005). Afrikology, Philosophy and Wholeness. an Epistemology. Oxford, African Books Collective.

Cite as: Twikirize J. M. and Spitzer H. (Editors) (2019). Social Work Practice in Africa Indigenous and Innovative Approaches. Kampala: Fountain Publishers.

Cite as: Calub, B. M. (2003). Participatory Rural Appraisal Guidebook. Los Banos: University of the Philippines

No free version. This book addresses indigenous methods, methodologies, and epistemologies. The book situates research in a larger historical, cultural, and global context so students can apply the specific methods that are commensurate with their situations. It covers the history of research methods, ethical conduct, colonial and postcolonial epistemologies, relational epistemologies, emergent and indigenous methodologies, Afrocentric research, feminist research, narrative frameworks, interviewing, and participatory methods.
Cite as: Chilisa. B. (2019). Indigenous research methodologies. SAGE Publications.

Cite as: Nsamenang, B. A. and Tchombe, T. M. S. (Editors) (2011). Handbook of African Educational Theories and Practices A Generative Teacher Education Curriculum. Cameroon: Human Development Resource Centre (HDRC).

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Cite as: Mararike, C. G. (1998). African Philosophy and Human Factor Development. Harare: University of Zimbabwe Publications.

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Cite as: Mabvurira, V. & Makhubele, J.C., 2018, ‘Afrocentric methodology: A missing pillar in African social work research, education and training’, in A.L. Shokane, J.C. Makhubele & L.V. Blitz (eds.), Issues Around Aligning Theory, Research and Practice in Social Work Education (Knowledge Pathing: Multi-, Inter- and Trans-Disciplining in Social Sciences Series Volume 1), pp. 11–26, AOSIS, Cape Town.

Cite as: Organisation of African Unity (OAU)/African Union (AU) (2018). Protocol to the African Charter on Human and Peoples’ Rights on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities in Africa. Addis Ababa: OAU/AU.

Cite as: African Union (AU) (2016). Protocol to the African charter on human and peoples’ rights on the rights of older persons in Africa. Addis Ababa, AU.

Cite as: Nziramasanga C. T. (1999). The Presidential Commission of Inquiry into Education and Training. Nziramasanga commission, Zimbabwe.

Cite as: Hochfeld T, Selipsky L, Mupedziswa R and Chitereka C (2009). Developmental Social Work Education in Southern and East Africa Final Report. Johannesburg: University of Johannesburg.

Cite as: Mkabela, Q. (2005). Using the Afrocentric Method in Researching Indigenous African Culture. The Qualitative Report, 10(1), 178-189.

Cite as: Bangura, A. K. (2005). ‘Ubuntugogy’: An African educational paradigm that transcends pedagogy, andragogy, ergonagy and heutagogy. 22. 13-53

Cite as: Lucas, T., (2015). Social Work in Africa: The imperative for social justice, human rights and peace. Botswana Journal of African Studies 27(1), 87-106.

Read or Download Zimbabwe’s Social Workers Act
Cite as: Government of Zimbabwe (2011). Social Workers Act, Chapter 27:21. Harare: Government of Zimbabwe.

Read or Download Social Workers’ Association of Zambia Act
Cite as: Government of Zambia (2022). Social Workers Assocoation of Zambia Act, Number 4 of 2022. Lusaka: Government of Zambia.

Please note that this Code of Ethics has limitations: it is based on non-African literature, does not include Ugandan languages or local definition of social work and does not cite other African codes.
Cite as: National Association of Social Workers of Uganda (NASWU) (2017). Code of Ethics. Kampala: Uganda

Cite as: Nigeria Association of Social Workers (NASoW) (1982) Code of Conduct for Social Work Practice in Nigeria. In the Constitution of the Nigeria Association of Social Workers, pages 21-22. Nigeria, NASOW.

Cite as: Ghana Association of Social Workers (GASOW) (no date) Code of Ethics of Social Workers. Ghana, GASOW.

Please note this Code of Ethics is based on non-African literature, does not include African languages or local definition of social work and does not cite other African codes. In created the code, other codes from the USA, UK and laws from apartheid South Africa were used, so the code was created in a colonial frame even though the South African constitution was referenced. The committee and individuals consulted don’t seem to be broad-based.
South African Council for Social Service Professions (SACSSP). (2012). Policy Guidelines for Course of Conduct, Code of Ethics and the Rules for Social Workers. SACSSP, Pretoria

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