Instead of hardening border protection, African and Western governments should negotiate bilateral agreements where Africa supplies skilled workers to Europe as part of formal, government-to-government arrangements. This could help Europe meet its skills gaps while African governments gain funds to train and educate more people.
For this reason, the World Bank encourages strategic migration management by making labour migration an explicit part of the development strategy in migration-origin countries. Governments in destination countries need to match migrants’ skills and attributes with their labour needs. The alternative – migration as part of organised crime – is simply too ghastly to contemplate.
From Jakkie Cilliers, Head, African Futures and Innovation, ISS Pretoria. Read full article
Questions to ponder on
What are the challenges of aligning the skills of migrants with the labour needs of other continents? How can these challenges be addressed?
In what ways can African governments effectively manage and leverage the migration of skilled workers to ensure it does not disadvantage Africa which provides education for those migrating from early primary education to tertiary education?
How does migration impact development goals and strategies of African villages, communities, societies and countries, regions and Africa as a whole?
What are the ethical and cultural considerations of migration, for now and the future?
Use the comments box below to share some thoughts.