Call for Special Issue on Environmental Social Work

Environmental Social Work: African philosophies, frameworks, perspectives and techniques
Guest Editors: Dr. Mildred Mushunje and Dr. Abel Blessing Matsika
The gap that the special issue will address
The March/April 2023 issue of the AJSW will contain approximately 10-16 articles that focus on the ecological environment and social work. The focus of this special issue, is informed by our concern for the African environment as a source of social functioning, social security and social protection and related issues of climate change and gender. Issues related to social work education, practice, fieldwork and research are also welcome. To be accepted, a manuscript must prioritise African literature, written from an African perspective using African philosophy, theories, ethics, models or frameworks, both long-existing and emerging.
Suggested topic areas
Your manuscript must fit into one or more of the areas listed below:
- Social work and the environment – clarifying environmental social work what it is, how it is being practiced and what underpins the philosophy
- Income and livelihoods from an-agri-focused perspective
- Sustainable food production for nutrition and health
- Environmental care and protection
- The nexus between climate change and social work practice
- Gender and the environment
- Social protection responses to climate induced emergencies
- Social work and the vulnerable (children, people with disabilities, the poor) in the context of climate change. Relevance of local, regional and global frameworks in addressing issues of the environment
- Access to the environment – rights, justice, gender etc
- Indigenous issues/Decolonising the environment
A two-step screening process will be followed, that is, screening of abstracts followed by screening of full manuscripts. We recommend that you do the following:
- Read the call for papers and understand it
- Decide a topic and create a suitable title
- Find co-authors (you can do it alone. Collaboration of multiple authors from different African countries and across the globe will be an added advantage. Make sure all authors agree to the submitted abstracts and manuscripts.
- Draft your abstract and agree with co-authors, if applicable
- Format your abstract as follows: maximum of 200 words, write in Times New Roman, font size 10 and single line spaced.
- Put key words
- Put names of authors and their contact details, each in a single line
- Put all the details on one page in this order: Title, Author Details, Abstract and Key words
- Make sure your abstract adheres to AJSW author guidelines that are available here:
- AJSW recommends use of African language for some of the key concepts used in your title, abstract, key words and manuscript. You can also submit your final English language abstract together with a translation in an African language of your choice.
- Email your abstract to before the due date stated below.
- Wait for feedback, and if accepted, submit a full manuscript (maximum 5000 words including references and cover page) using the email above. The full manuscript will contain a revised abstract page as above, introduction, suitable sections making the body, conclusion and list of references that adheres to the AJSW citing and reference guide.
Important dates
Opening of abstracts | 01 June 2022 |
Deadline for abstracts | Closed |
Responses to contributors | From 01 October 2022 |
Submission of full papers | By 01 December 2022 |
Editorial and peer review process from | October – January 2023 |
Publication of journal articles from | March 2023 |
The AJSW is published by the National Association of Social Workers Zimbabwe. It is proudly indexed and accredited with the African Journals Online (AJOL) | University of Zimbabwe Accredited Journals (UZAJ) | SCOPUS (Elsevier’s abstract and citation database) | Directory of Open Access Journals (DOAJ) | Society of African Journal Editors (SAJE) | Asian Digital Library (ADL) | African Social Work Network (ASWNet) | Department of Higher Education and Training (DHET) – South Africa | SJR | CNKI – China | Journal Publishing Practices and Standards (JPPS) | EBSCHO
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