Keynotes, speeches and presentations published in the African Journal of Social Work 14(3) of 2024

Keynotes, speeches and presentations published in the African Journal of Social Work 14(3) of 2024
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Research grant writing tips and advice | Distinguished Professor Andre RENZAHO
The nexus between social norms and the Ubuntu and social work | Professor Paul BUKULUKI
Innovative fieldwork education in Africa | Professor Rodreck MUPEDZISWA
Social work’s contribution to socio-economic development–why, how & who? | Noel Garikai MURIDZO
Promoting mental well-being and resilience among older adults and their caregivers in Africa: Challenges and the way forward | Professor Uzoma Odera OKOYE
Tree of Life Model and other Africa-centred interventions | Ncazelo NCUBE-MLILO
Human, social & economic capital development in Africa | Professor Shahana RASOOL
Relational ontologies and epistemologies that are informed by our philosophies: Inaugural Ubuntu Annual Lecture 2022 | Professor Bagele CHILISA
Using Ubuntu-Bulamu in research | Johnnie Wycliffe Frank MUWANGA-ZAKE
Discover more from Africa Social Work & Development Network | Mtandao waKazi zaJamii naMaendeleo waAfrika
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