The Network has over 120 registered members. Registration is free.
Who can become a member
Members have a social work qualification or development or have proven experience in social developmental work. Membership is limited to people from an African country or the African diaspora. In some circumstances, membership can be offered to a non-African. Members are usually social workers, development workers, community workers, counsellors, psychologists, social welfare workers, social development workers, cultural service workers and social administrators.
Membership Application
To apply for membership, email the following information to with the subject Application for Membership
- First name and family name. Include name of respect if available. Include preferred name if your first name is not your preference.
- Your social work or development qualification/s
- Referee (name and email) – Your referee should be (1) another social worker (2) a person working in welfare, development, social or human services
Benefits and Contributions of Members
- As a member, you can cite your ASWDNet membership on your profile, email signature/footer, CV or other documents.
- You can use or attach the logo of the ASWNet available below as evidence of your membership. The logos are available here.
- Use services of the Africa Independent Ethics Committee (AIEC) free of charge.
- Being interviewed (text, audio or video) on a selected social work and development topic or experience or writing a biography. You can view previous interviews and biographies here.
- Contribute to the history of social services, welfare and social work of your country (book chapter or web content). Examples – Egypt Zimbabwe South Africa
- Become a blogger (use this link to submit your first blog, we will then help you create your blog account on the ASWDNet website).
- Write Expert Papers, Guidance Papers, Current Evidence Summaries, Expert Interviews, Novel Conclusions, Factual Pieces, Narratives, Opinion Piece or Experiential Pieces. More details about this publication available here.
- Contribute to the African Journal of Social Work; Journal of Social Development or the Journal of Social Issues in Disability and Non-Communicable Conditions as an author or reviewer.
- If you are looking for African COVID-19 publications, use this link.
- Participate in Kuumba, our mentoring program.
- Participant in events, please visit our events page. These events include the Africa Day Indaba in May, Annual Ubuntu Lecture in November and Students Conference in June.
- Information about Social Work in Africa is found here.
- Connect with us on social media: Twitter, Facebook and LinkedIn.
Logos, Badges and Backgrounds for use by Members
Members can copy, download and resize this logo for use.

Members can also copy the text below and insert or paste as a hyperlink. Remember to paste as a hyperlink.
I am a member of the Africa Social Work Network (ASWDNet)
Questions and Answers
Is there a fee for being a member? There is no fee, membership is free.
Who can be a member? African social workers and development workers, from all region of Africa including the Diaspora region.
What is the purpose of the Network? The ASWDNet creates, aggregates and disseminates information and resources to facilitate Social Work on the African continent.
When was the network formed? In 2020
Does the ASWDNet offer diploma and degree training in social work and development? No
What are the benefits of being a member? Please see the list here.
How do I access the ASWDNet web library? Please use this link?
How do I access ASWDNet journals? Use this link.
How about other African journals in social work and development? Use this link.
I am looking for African theories, where to I get this? Please use this link.
I want to learn more about African philosophy? Visit this page.
Where do I get more information about social work and development in Africa? Here.
What events are coming? Please visit this page.
I want to have ethics advice before I plan my research, how do I go about this/ Where do I get information? If you do not have easy access to an ethics committee, we suggest you email the Africa Independent Ethics Committee. More information is here.
I do fundraising, where do I learn about Ubuntu values and ethics in resource mobilisation? Here. And there is more about Ubuntu values and ethics here.
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