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Call for nominations Social Work and Development Student Conference (SWDSC) committee

Call for nominations Social Work and Development Student Conference (SWDSC) committee
The ASWDNet would like to thank Danzel Rademan (Bachelor of Social Work, University of the Free State, Bloemfontein Campus, South Africa) and Collins Atuhairwe (Student, Master of Social Work, Makerere University, Uganda) for leading the SWDSC committee for 2 years and for successfully running 2 conferences that were well attended, with precise planning, implementation and robust discussions and key outcomes including publications. We are now seeking nominations for the positions of Chairperson, Vice Chairperson and Secretary for the ASWDNet Annual Day of the African Child Student Conference held in June each year. These positions lead the organisation, implementation, publishing and reviewing of the conference with mentoring from nominated ASWDNet members and working with partners. The role of the chairperson supported by the vice is to call for meetings, lead meetings (to select theme, select abstracts and presenters), officially open the conference. The role of the secretary is to write reports of all meetings and events for the website and social media.
More details are available here.
Current Committee Members
The committee has committee members who will not be voted, however, additional members are being sought.
- Winnie James Sebit, South Sudan; Bachelor in Social Work, RCSS, India
- Tatenda Sukulao, Bachelor of Social Work, Midlands State University, Zimbabwe
- Norman T. Manyika, Student, Bachelor of Social Work, University of Zimbabwe
- Ighalo Jennifer Benita, final year social work student, University of Benin, Nigeria
- Takudzwa Banda, Bachelor of Social Work, University of Zimbabwe
All positions are voluntary. There are several benefits of being part of the committee, for example:
- learning to run a conference from start to finish
- learning to review abstracts and presentations
- learning to work in a team
- mentoring
- leadership skills
- opportunity to publish
- certificate for joining the committee and specific roles during the conference eg presenting, chairing a session
- representing your institution and country
- expanding knowledge of decolonising social work and development
- many other benefits for your CV and profile
Nominations Information
Eligibility and qualifications: All students in social work and development are eligible to self-nominate or be nominated, including current committee members of the SWDSC. The ideal candidates should possess excellent leadership, communication and interpersonal skills.
Nomination procedure: Please fill the form below or send your email to In your application state the name of the nominee, their academic level, program of study and the institution, the position they are being nominated for and a brief statement from the nominee that includes vision and goals for the conference.
Timeline: Nominations open on 10th of March 2025; nominations close on 10th of April 2025, results announced on 15 April for the new committee to finalise plans for the 2025 conference in June.
Nomination Form
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