Ubuntu Pedagogy Masterclass, 28 March
The masterclasses are for anyone from any part of the world eager to deepen their understanding of Ubuntu and those seeking more effective ways to apply their experiences of Ubuntu in academia, learning and practice. Organised by the ASSWA and ASWDNet and limited to 40 participants, these classes provide an advanced learning opportunity, CPD points and a certificate.
28 March 2024, 2PM Harare/Pretoria, CAT

Authoring Ubuntu: Insights from authors of the 2025 book titled Ubuntu in
social services and development in Africa – A comprehensive guide
Panelists: Dr Rugare Mugumbate, Wilson Zvomuya, Dr William Abur, Dr Kgosietsile Maripe, Dr M Jerkarman Rankopo, Edward Muzondo, Dr Kabo Diraditsile and Phillip Manyanye Bohwasi.
Africa Day Indaba, May 2024
Details coming soon
Students Conference – Day of the African Child, June 2024
Details coming soon
Wazee Day of Older Persons Indaba, October 2024
Details coming soon
Fundo yaUbuntu | Ubuntu Annual Lecture, December 2024
Fundo yaUbuntu Annual Lecture 2024
Esteemed 2024 Lecturer: Dr Charles Kalinganire, University of Rwanda, Rwanda
Time: 9:00 AM South/Central African Time
Ubuntu lecture objective: To celebrate Ubuntu as the overarching philosophy of Black people of Africa that is centered on just, responsible and reciprocal relations built on indigenous cultural values of family, community, spirituality, and the environment.

Wazee Day of Older Persons Indaba 2024, 22 October
Time: Oct 22, 2024 10:00 Harare, Pretoria
Meeting ID: 844 2431 2306
Security Passcode: wazee

Students Conference – Day of the African Child, 14 June 2024

Africa Day Indaba, 24 May 2024

Ubuntu Pedagogy Masterclass, 26 March 2024

Online, 08 December 2023
Lecture 1: Tree of life and Imbeleko by Ncazelo Ncube-Mlilo
Lecture 2: Agency, Social Norms and Ubuntu by Professor Paul Bukuluki
Survey Results
Two surveys were run during the Ubuntu lecture. Survey 1 had 4 questions (administered in Zoom at the start of the lecture) and survey 2 had 15 questions (administered in Zoom at the end of the lecture). We are looking for a member of the ASWDNet or ASSWA to analyse the data and publish a paper in one of the journals that we work with. If you are interested, please email Rugare, The graph below summarises the quantitative data but there is also qualitative data that needs to be organised and analysed.

Download PDF copy of Ubuntu Lecture Poster

10am – 1130am East Africa Time
9am-1030am Central Africa Time
8am-930am West Africa Time via Zoom.
Lecture: Ms Ncazelo Ncube-Mlilo founder of Tree of Life Model and other Africa-centred interventions and Founder and CEO of Phola.

Lecture: Professor Paul Bukuluki, Department of Social Work and Social Administration (SWSA), Makerere University, Uganda

Online, 06 October 2023
11:00am West Africa Time (WAT), 12:00pm Central Africa Time (CAT), 1:00pm East Africa Time (EAT)
Key Points and Actions: PDF version | PowerPoint version | Image/Picture/PNG version | Audiovisual version
Videos: Visit ASWDNet YouTube Channel

Key Points and Actions from Wazee Day Webinar, 2023
- Government role to be strengthened, advocacy required for services, resources political action. Who: social workers and development workers.
- Research – more research needed on training needs, care models, developmental models. Who: research students including PhD, academics, organisations and government.
- Family approach – the mainstay of care for older people, suits Africa’s philosophy of Ubuntu and values, government and organisations to strengthen families.
- Community approach – suited to Africa’s philosophy of Ubuntu and values, government and organisations to strengthen or introduce new community programs, building on already existing community-led initiatives like mutual aid, cultural, faith-based initiatives.
- Caregivers’ role is important, to be recognized, to be skilled e.g. home help/maids, caregiving as a profession. Social workers and government to work with families to produce guidelines to compensate and train caregivers.
- Mental wellbeing and resilience – awareness, understanding of mental health (cultural), Health and disability – train health workers, governments to ensure access to Primary Health Care centres, caregivers and families to increase physical activity of older people.
- Social work and development worker skill gaps – training institutions to review curricula.
- Community centres, day care centres and halfway homes – needed to relieve caregivers temporarily, communities and government should initiate and maintain.
- Psychosocial services – new skills, work sheds, social interaction, counselling, Friendship bench model, support groups. Training institutions to develop or review training for older people service providers: social workers, development workers, counsellors, community workers, geriatric workers, cultural workers, religious workers.
- African Union and regional bodies – continental policy work,, AU to ensure governments accountability based on its of older people policies align social work and development education and training to AU policies and plans,
- Resources – look within for resources: families, communities, private sector and government, to avoid dependents on donors who comes with different philosophies.
- Economic means and livelihoods – take a developmental approach as opposed to welfarist approach.
Cite as: Association of Schools of Social Work in Africa and Africa Social Work and Development Network (2023). Key points and actions from Wazee/Older Persons Webinar, 6 October 2023

Prof Uzoma Odera Okoye
Promoting mental well-being and resilience among older adults and their caregivers in Africa: Challenges and the way forward

Dr Diana Nabbumba
Why care about community based care for older people in Africa?

Visit this webpage –
25 May 2023
The event was organised African Social Work Network (ASWNET) and Association of Schools of Social Work in Africa (ASSWA). Use links below to view recordings from the event.
Socio-economic development in teaching, fieldwork and practice in Africa
AU theme
The Year of AfCFTA: Acceleration of the African Continental Free Trade Area Implementation.
“The AfCFTA presents a unique opportunity for the continent to attain economic emancipation, which will lead to job creation, poverty alleviation, improved welfare and sustainable development. Beyond the policy transformation and reforms, the AfCFTA seeks to ensure inclusivity of women and youth, development of Small and Medium Enterprises (SMEs) and overall industrialization of the Continent” (AU, 2023). Read more
Date and time
Thursday 25th May
10am – 1115am East Africa Time | 9am-1015am Central Africa Time | 8am-915am West Africa Time via Zoom.
1. Welcome – Oluwagbemiga Oyinlola, Moderator – 5 minutes
African Union Anthem
Program Overview
2. Opening Remarks: Dr Rugare Mugumbate, ASWNet – 5 minutes
3. Reflections from 2022 Africa Day presentations by Professors Rodreck Mupedziswa, Shahana Rasool and Tanusha Raniga
Short video – 5 minutes
4 questions/comments – 5 minutes
4. Social Work and Development Awards: Oluwagbemiga Oyinlola, Moderator
Announcement of winners – 5 minutes
Acceptance speech – 5 minutes
5. Guest Speech 1: Dr Noel Garikai Muridzo – 20 minutes
6. Guest Speech 2: Samuel Okechi Okafor – 20 minutes
7. Closing Remarks: Dr. Wilkins Ndege Muhingi, ASSWA – 5 minutes
CPD points and certificates of attendance
A link to request certificates with CPD points will be provided to those who attend for at least 30 minutes. The ASWNet recommends a minimum of 12 CPD hours per practitioner per year, further details about how to get CPD points and options are available here.

The events was held on Friday 25 November 2022. Videos are available here or

Keynote Speaker
Professor Bagele Chilisa

Professor Bagele Chilisa, University of Botswana
Post-colonial scholar, researcher, author and educator
Professor Bagele Chilisa is a renowned post-colonial scholar, researcher, author, educator, and an important African thought leader. Some of the courses that she has been facilitating for over 30 years include Research design, policy design, and Measurement and Evaluation courses, among others. As a full Professor at the University of Botswana she has supervised more than 50 masters and PhD dissertations with diverse academic discourse and has served as external examiner for PhD thesis in the Southern African Development Community (SADC) region. Her interest in community-based research has driven her to write extensively on indigenous knowledge as well as publish a book titled “Indigenous Research methodologies”. A book that has sparked international discourse on importance of indigenous methodologies, especially in Africa. She has shared her intellectual knowledge about indigenous research methodologies on several platforms and at several conferences in Universities in South Africa, USA, Norway, UK, and Italy. With over 80 publications, Prof. Chilisa has been recognized as the Researcher of the Year and awarded UB Research Team Leadership at University Research Awards Ceremony in 2019. She has also been awarded the Prestigious USA National Institute of Health Research Award on capacity building on HIV/AIDS.
Selected publication: Chilisa, B. (2020). Indigenous Research Methodologies, (2nd ed.) Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage
Professor J. W. F. Muwanga-Zake

Professor J. W. F. Muwanga-Zake Uganda Technology and Management University (UTAMU), Uganda
Scholar, researcher, author and educator who promotes Ubuntubulamu in education, research and development
Professor JWF Muwanga-Zake (B.Sc. (Hons) (Makerere); B.Ed., M.Sc., M.Ed. (Rhodes); PhD (Digital Media in Education) (Natal University and University of Georgia)); P.G.C.E. (NUL); P.G.D.E (ICT in Ed.) (Rhodes). Partly done Graduate Certificate in Higher Education at the University of New England, Australia. Prof. Zake is professionally a Learning Technologist, Scientist and Educator with teaching experiences in Uganda, Lesotho, South Africa, USA, Australia and the UK. His interests and publications are in research and African philosophy. He has taught and lectured, and written academic articles, in philosophy, science, science education, research and learning technology. The following are some the titles Zake published relating to the conference theme:
- Towards Validating Research Discourses among Bantu in Africa: Obuntubulamu as a Possible Transforming Agent
- Renegotiating Public Confidence in Higher Education? Challenges and Possible Innovations of the 21st Century.
- Whose Education Is It? The Exclusion of African Values from Higher Education
- Whose Education Is It? Developing Communities Left Out in Framing Higher Education.
- Narrative Research across Cultures: Dimensions of Concern in Africa.
- Building bridges across knowledge systems: Ubuntu and participative research paradigms in Bantu communities.
- Inclusiveness, Development and Ubuntu. Re-thinking Educational Research processes for Development in Bantu Communities.
- Experiences of the Power of Discourse in Educational Research: A Need for Transformation in Research.
He has been a Head of ICT, Head of Academic Departments, Dean, Deputy Vice Chancellor and Vice Chancellor at various universities, as well as a Director of a training NGO in South Africa. He earlier headed research units in government and parastatal organisations in Uganda.
Event organised by:

African Social Work Network (ASWNet and Association of Schools of Social Work in Africa (ASSWA)
The African Social Work Network and Association of Schools of Social Work in Africa organised the Africa Day Indaba 2022 – Social Work and Development.
Date: Friday 27th May from 10am East African Time/9am Central African Time/8am West African Time via Zoom.
We would want to sincerely thank presenters and participants. The discussion was lively. 125 people registered for the event, and 124 attended for time ranging from 21 minutes to 2 hours 30 minutes.
Videos from the Africa Day Indaba – Social Work and Development
Thanks to presenters for permission to share these videos.
Africa Day Indaba – Dr Mugumbate opening remarks focusing on Africa Day theme 2022
Social work award 2021 speech Mr Vivek Urjoon
Oluwagbemiga Oyinlola – Africa Day Indaba 2022 – We are Africans, with motivational African music
Professor Tanusha Raniga presentation on Role of Women in precarious employment in South Africa
Professor Shahana Rasool presentation on Human, Social and Capital development in Africa
Innovative Fieldwork in Africa – Professor Mupedziswa’s presentation
Dr Sharlotte Tusasiirwe – 10 key points from the Indaba and Closing remarks
Feel free to use the videos for your teaching and learning.
Event outcome: A list of 10 key points from the event are listed below and in the pdf:

Cite these points as: Africa Social Work Network (ASWNet) and Association of Schools of Social Work in Africa (ASSWA) (2022) 10 key points/themes for African Social Work from Africa Day Indaba (Online), 27 May 2022.
Key note speech by Professor Rodreck Mupedziswa

The event used AU’s theme for 2022 which is Strengthening Resilience in Nutrition and Food Security on the African Continent: Strengthening Agro-Food Systems, Health and Social Protection Systems for the Acceleration of Human, Social and Economic Capital Development.
Speakers and Topics
Keynote Speaker – biography

Professor Rodreck Mupedziswa, The Quest for Relevance: Rethinking Strategies for the Practical Fieldwork Component of Social Work Education and Training in Africa.
Social Work Award 2021 Speaker

Mr. Neeleshwar Viveksingh Urjoon, Mauritius, African Social Work Award 2021 Speech.
Other speakers
Dr Rugare J. Mugumbate, ASWNet
Professor Shahana Rasool, ASSWA
Professor Tanusha Raniga, ASSWA
An online webinar on Research Grant Writing organised by the African Social Work Network, East Africa Social Work Regional Centre and Association of Schools of Social Work in Africa was held on 22 March 2022. The presenter for the event was Distinguished Professor Andre Renzawo who has 336 academic publications and over 14 million dollars in research funding. The event took place via Zoom on Tuesday, 22 March from 10am East African Time.
The event flier is below.

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